Alex Balce
Duties: The Director serves and votes on the Board of Directors of the Corporation and is the liaison between the San Diego Section and the Corporation.

Ryan Fallica
Duties: The President is the chief executive of the San Diego Section. He directs and runs the business affairs of the Section.

Abu-Bakr Al-Jafri
President Elect
Duties: The President Elect shall act as assistant to the President and in the absence of the President shall perform the duties of the President.

Derek Carpenter
Vice President Rank and FIle
Duties: The Vice President Rank and File serves as an advisor to the Section President on matters affecting rank and file members.

Hanh-Dung Khuu
Vice-President Supervisory
Duties: The Vice President Supervisory serves as an advisor to the Section President on matters affecting general members classified as Supervisors or Managers.

Stewart Migdal
Vice President At Large
Duties: The Vice President At Large serves as an advisor to the Section President on matters affecting general non-Caltrans members.

Javad Rhezaii
Duties: The Secretary keeps a written record of all the meetings of the Section Officers and the Section. The Secretary maintains the Section Bylaws.

Roy Flores
Duties: The Treasurer keeps, collects and disburses the funds of the Section as prescribed by the Section Officers. He keeps the Section's Accounting.